Sunday, May 19, 2013

Night- Max Beckmann

Night was painted in 1918-1919 by a man with the name of Max Beckmann. This painting was painted with Oil on canvas, 4'4 3/4"x5'1/4". Beckmann was born February 12, 1884 and lived until December 28, 1950.He was struck down by a heart attack not to far from his New York apartment. He was considered an expressionist but never considered himself one. Beckmann's painting portrayed his view of the brutality of the early-20th-century society. The painting shows people as if dislocated and contorted and the space that they're all in seems unfitted for them. The entire painting from a far is so captivating but in reality is so brutal and quite disturbing. It is unbelievable how Beckmann puts so much violence into something that could be quite beautiful.

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