Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Scream- Edvard Munch

The Scream was painted in 1893 by Edvard Munch. The Scream was painted on Tempera and pastels on cardboard, 2'11 3/4"x2'5" and is displayed at the National Gallery in Oslo. This painting was painted using the expressionist method. The Scream significantly departs from our visual reality. Munch uses color, figural distortion, and line to pull a strong emotional response from the audience. The painting depicts a man standing on a bridge or a pier in a landscape. Its what Munch decides to do with that landscape, bridge, and man that makes this piece of artwork so wonderful. The man who's almost skeletal like looks as if he's trying to let out a echo or a scream. The landscape behind the man seems as if its sweeping by so effortlessly.  Edvard Munch believed that humans were powerless before the natural forces of death and love and the emotions associated with them such as jealousy, loneliness, fear, desire, and despair. I really believe that, that is really portrayed in this painting.

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